
27 10 月, 2023

我是不萊嗯的烘焙廚房的Brian,在這張隨時都能聊吃的餐桌上,想要分享的都是圍繞著與跟「吃」有關的趣味事。 聊大家愛吃的、談身邊朋友從小吃到到大的,探索各國飲食文化中,那些你我可能想都沒想過的趣味事,可能從書中挖掘題材,或一起探索料理與烘焙廚房裡的獨門妙方, 想知道別人最愛吃什麼嗎?想知道現在流行吃什麼或該怎麼吃最對味?讓我們一起從貪吃的好奇心中找熟悉的自己吧!
I am Brian from BrianCuisin. On my table we can talk anything about foods. To share those interesting things related to “eating”. Talk about what everyone loves to eat, or friends around you what they like to eat. To explore the food culture that you and I may never had or thought about it. Will you like to know what is the most trending to eat ? Let’s find out.

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